Bridgeport Cdl Defense Lawyer
Bridgeport Police Write Traffic Tickets To CDL Holders
The Bridgeport Police Department, and law enforcement in surrounding Wise County communities, keeps close watch day and night over local traffic flow. They do so in order to ensure that all motorists, both Class C and commercial, are abiding by traffic law. Perhaps you are a trucker or otherwise hold a commercial driver’s license for work purposes. If you have been pulled over on the road or at a D.O.T. stop for speeding, violating a weight limit, or breaking the law in some other way, and have been written a citation for your offense, you may be concerned about the lasting negative impact your violation may have on your career. As a CDL driver, your must maintain your clean driving record for work purposes, and a violation added to it may, in a worst-case scenario, result in the loss of your job. It may therefore be the wiser option for you to consider challenging your Bridgeport ticket in a court of law. Challenging your violation in court is not a task that you must attempt to accomplish on your own; it is your right to seek professional legal counsel in doing so, counsel that may be provided you by the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno. With over 20 years of experience in Wise County, our lawyers may be hired to either 1) plead your case for a favorable plea agreement, so that points may be kept off your record, or 2) fight your ticket at trial, in hopes of getting it dismissed.
Challenge Your Bridgeport CDL Violation with Lawyer’s Help
Contact me today | Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
More pertaining to Wise County CDL violations
CDL Holders’ Traffic Warrants Lifted In The City Of Bridgeport
If you are not already aware, you should know that, if you fail to respond to a CDL violation written to you in the Wise County City of Bridgeport, it may go into warrant status. In other words, the Bridgeport Municipal Court, which does not tolerate overdue citations of any kind, may issue a warrant for your arrest as a penalty for your past-due ticket. Your situation is obviously more serious than it was before once a traffic warrant is out for you, as it may see you sought for arrest by police at potentially any time. And of course, from behind bars, you cannot continue to drive with your CDL, meaning that your means of living could soon be jeopardized. In order to protect yourself and your career from such a fate, your traffic warrant must be lifted, and as soon as possible.
As it happens, the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno offers to lift traffic warrants and post bonds on behalf of its eligible clients in the Wise County area. If you make the decision to hire us to try and lift your outstanding Bridgeport warrant for you, and in the case that we are able to do so swiftly and successfully on your behalf, your arrest because of your warrant will no longer be a possibility. If we are also able to post bond for you, it will serve as a promise from us to defend you and your case later in court. Take the first steps in defending your means of living as a professional motorist; take legal action today, and with assistance from Jack Byno & Associates, to get your Bridgeport traffic warrant lifted.
Need Help Lifting Your Bridgeport CDL Violation?
Contact me || Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
Learn more about traffic warrants (and the Great Texas Warrant Roundup)