Bedford Cdl Defense Lawyer
CDL Drivers Opt To Fight Violations Issued In Bedford
Have you been issued a traffic violation in Bedford, Texas? If you have, for speeding or any other minor traffic offense, you are required by law to respond to your ticket by the date it is due. That said, being written a citation can be a very stressful experience, and consideration must be taken into how you should proceed in responding to yours. The stress of being charged with violating traffic law may increase in the case that you hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL). Do you hold a CDL for work as a trucker, city bus driver, or other professional driver? As a CDL holder you are most likely required to maintain your clean driving record. In the case that you have been written a CDL or trucking violation by Arlington police then, you may be hesitant to plead guilty to your violation, as points will be added to your driving record if you do so. While you may instead opt to challenge your ticket (no matter if you were issued it for speeding, weight limit violations, and at or not at a D.O.T. stop), you may not be sure how to go about doing so. In this case, the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be of service to you.
We are a traffic ticket law firm that has been relied upon by drivers in Tarrant County, Texas for more than 20 years. From our offices located in the heart of the Dallas- Fort Worth metroplex, we offer to defend both Class C and CDL drivers who are looking to challenge traffic violations written to them in the City of Bedford. We may do this by either
- Pleading your case for a possible deal in court, in lieu of points added to your otherwise clean driving record
- Fighting your Bedford charges at trial, in hopes of getting your ticket dismissed
Please note: If we are hired to plead your case for a deal, you may not be required to appear in court with us. If you opt instead for a trial, be prepared to appear in court alongside us as we fight your charges before the judge.
Written A CDL Violation While On The Job In Bedford, Texas?
Contact me for help in disputing your ticket | 817-685-0912
Have You Let Your Bedford CDL Violation To Go Into Warrant?
Bedford CDL and trucking violations may seem like trivial, unimportant matters, but they should not be taken lightly. Should you not consider your Bedford ticket seriously, and not respond to it in due time, your situation may become much more serious than it already is. The Municipal Court in that city, which does not tolerate overdue citations of any kind, may be prompted to issue a warrant for your arrest. Does your traffic warrant remain out for you now? Then before police have the chance to take you into custody because of it, you may want to consider taking the necessary legal action to ensure that your warrant is lifted. If you are now looking to do just that, but feel that you would not be able to do so on your own, do not let another moment pass without picking up the phone and calling Jack Byno & Associates. Our traffic ticket lawyers, who have more than 20 years of experience with the roundup in Bedford, understand better than anyone that you simply want to remain behind the wheel and out of jail if at all possible. We may therefore be hired to lift your warrant for you, and post your bond as well.
CDL Drivers- Get Your Bedford Warrants Lifted Today!
Contact me || Jack Byno || 817-685-0912
Click here for additional information on Tarrant County traffic warrants
Related: Great Texas Warrant Roundup