Allen Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
City of Allen, Texas Traffic Ticket Lawyer
I am Jack Byno, a traffic ticket defense attorney that has been representing clients in the Allen Municipal Court since 1994. I defend motorists with speeding citations, CDL violations, lifting traffic warrants, and driver’s license suspension hearings in all of the municipal courts of Collin County, Texas. Contact me today to discuss your Allen traffic citations before the statewide warrant roundup.
More about Allen Traffic Tickets.
Speeding Ticket Defense Attorney In Allen, Texas
Call Jack Byno • 817-685-0912
Lawyer Lifts Allen Speeding Warrants
The Great Texas Warrant Roundup focuses on finding and arresting all the people that have outstanding traffic warrants. The goal is for law enforcement to make a coordinated effort in their hunt for past due speeding tickets and other traffic violations. Make no mistake. If you have put off dealing with your outstanding speeding citation and it has gone to warrant, the City of Allen police, the Collin County Sheriff, and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will arrest you if they find you. During warrant roundups you may be arrested at home, at work, at school, or any number of places. Contact me today to post bond and lift your traffic warrants.
More about the Texas Statewide Warrant Roundup.
Allen Traffic Warrants Lifted By Attorney
Call Jack Byno • 817-685-0912
How An Allen Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Help Lift Your Warrant
When I am hired to lift your Allen, Texas traffic warrants, the first thing that happens is my staff will call the court to verify what warrants you have in the municipal court and how much the bonds are. I will then prepare the bonds & a letter of representation and send them to the courthouse. Once the court clerks receive and process them, the traffic warrants will be lifted. Because I have sent a letter of representation with the bonds I am notifying the court that I am your attorney and I want a court date. When that date arrives, I will appear in court for you and work out the best deal that I can by entering into a plea agreement on your behalf. Once that is completed, I will send you notice of the outcome, how much your court fees are, and the due date. Contact me so this can take place before you are arrested in the Allen warrant roundup.
Traffic Ticket Attorney With Experience In Allen, Texas
Call Jack Byno • 817-685-0912
Contact Me
When you need Allen, Texas traffic warrants lifted by a lawyer contact Jack Byno & Associates. The lawyers of my law firm and I have a lot of experience dealing with the Allen Municipal Court and all of the traffic courts of Collin County, Texas. I have been representing clients in Allen since 1994 and have handled everything from speeding tickets to CDL violations. I can also help you with driver’s license suspension hearings in the Collin County Justice of The Peace Courts.
More about the Approaching Warrant Roundup.
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