Aledo Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer
Commencement Of Annual Aledo Warrant Roundup
The Aledo Warrant Roundup, an annual police operation serving as a branch of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, has commenced. During this event, the Aledo Police Department, and law enforcement elsewhere in Parker County, steps up its search for motorists who have active traffic warrants out for them. Has a warrant for your arrest been issued by the Aledo Municipal Court, after you failed to respond to a ticket that you received in that city? Lest you be arrested during this year’s Aledo Warrant Roundup, your traffic warrant must be lifted, and as soon as possible. A legal representative with the Law Office of Attorney Jack Byno may be just the person you need to call to assist you in getting your warrant lifted. With over 20 years of experience with the roundup in North Texas, our lawyers understand better than anyone the seriousness of your situation, and the very real possibility of your arrest during Warrant Roundup season should your traffic warrant remain active. We may therefore be retained to assist you in getting your warrant lifted, so that you no longer have to concern yourself with Warrant Roundup season.
The Aledo Warrant Roundup Has Begun- Are You Ready?
Contact me | Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
Learn more about your Aledo traffic warrant and how it may be lifted
Are You Prepared for the Aledo Warrant Roundup?
Now that you are aware of the Great Texas Warrant Roundup, and of the possibility of your arrest during it should your active Aledo traffic warrant remain out for you, you may be looking to get your warrant lifted. If so, consider seeking professional assistance in doing so from Jack Byno & Associates. Remember that our traffic ticket attorneys have been defending Parker County motorists against arrest during the roundup for more than 20 years. Because of our experience, and in the case that you are an eligible client, there is a good chance that we may be able to get your outstanding Aledo traffic warrant lifted for you, so that your arrest during this year’s roundup may be successfully avoided. If we are also able to post bond for you, as a promise to defend your case in court, you may expect for us to appear therein on your behalf at a later date. Why let this year’s Aledo Warrant Roundup result in your arrest when your warrant may instead be lifted? Call Jack Byno & Associates today for assistance in getting your warrant lifted.
Let Us Help You This Aledo Warrant Roundup Season
Contact me today | Attorney Jack Byno | 817-685-0912
More information on Warrant Roundup season
Other North Texas towns taking part in the roundup