More Than
20 years


Alba Cdl Defense Lawyeralba Speeding Ticket Attorney

Jack Byno Alba Speeding Ticket Attorney

With the Alba Speeding Ticket Attorney of Rains County representing you, you’ll find the promising defense with years of experience. Jack Byno & Associates has been defending countless Class “C” and CDL drivers in North Texas for more than a quarter century. Throughout those many years, we have frequently found dismissals gained for many clients. As well, we’ve often explored other options when an acquittal may have not been outright available. Plea negotiations regularly proved fruitful in such circumstances, allowing many to reduce charges and allow the results to stay off a driving record. If you wish to have a trial take care of your moving citation, then you may retain us to further defend you in one. For information about what can be done for you and your current circumstances, give us a call now and speak with one of our legal representatives.

Jack Byno has been defending traffic cases for longer than many younger drivers have even been alive. On top his career of over 25 years of experience in defending cases, he also has experience as a former municipal judge. He uses this insider’s knowledge of the courtroom to bring about the best results whenever possible. On top of that, we will also look for ways in which we can streamline the legal proceedings and make the entire process less strenuous on any of our defendants. Should you have a warrant, we will post your bond fast as soon as we are hired to represent you. As well, we’ll take every opportunity to appear in court on your behalf whenever the situation presents itself. For further inquiries about how we can better assist you, visit our law office, complete and submit one of our information forms found online over at our contact me page, or simply give us a call as soon as possible.

Contact Jack Byno at office

Alba Speeding Ticket Pleas and Trials

When handling a variety of speeding citations, the Alba Traffic Ticket Attorney knows several different approaches might be available to pursue. Although we will first seek out an acquittal, we know that there are times when such an option is not available to some. That is when we turn towards plea negotiations to see how they might benefit Rains County citizens. This method often results in reduced charges that stay off driving records in return for a defensive driving class to be completed and/or a probation to complete. If you decide to go for a trial instead, then you may retain our law professionals to come to your defense and prepare aggressive arguments to benefit you in any way we know how. Through this method, we have been able to demand evidence over each aspect of the case against you and often can find places where they do not hold up in court. In such situations, we have regularly found the judge will rule in our client’s favor.

Alba CDL Speeding Tickets Defended

Long haul truckers might face a potential loss of employment if they allow a guilty conviction to come from their speeding violation. Luckily, tickets and warrants can likely be fought still. Since only convictions end up on record, there might still be time for the Alba CDL Defense Lawyer to come to your aid. Contact Jack Byno & Associates and inquire about how we’ve helped other truckers like you for over 25 years. Throughout that time, we have been well acquainted with the proper routes in order to likely gain the results clients want. We also look into ways where we might attend court in a client’s place, allowing many to sit back home and relax or else get back to their deliveries and not have to spend money on tanks of gas to get their big rig over to the courthouse. To see if we can benefit you in a similar way, give us a call now.

Alba Lawyer Posts Bonds & Lifts Warrants

Alba, TX residents will have a specific appearance date by which they must either enter a plea by or appear in court. If they do not, then a Failure to Appear (FTA) or a Violation of Promise to Appear (VPTA) will be issued, resulting in an alias warrant. Hire our attorneys in order to post your bond promptly and lift the issue, gaining freedom from an impending arrest. You may do so only if you have not entered a plea of “no contest” or “guilty”, nor have gone to a trial over the issue. When a trial was held, but a lost, a verdict must be abided by, whether that means you must make the proper court payments or attend a defensive driving class. By not listening to what was demanded of you, you’ll have a capias warrant. To resolve these, your options are limited to either completing your verdict or going to jail for a specified amount of time.

Alba Warrant Roundup Defense

The Rains County Warrant Roundup is a time when the Alba Traffic Warrant Roundup Lawyer is best able to assist in helping many people avoid potential jail time. Police forces will be out in higher numbers to stop people on the local roadways for any number of minor traffic infractions. Their goal is to find anyone they can with a past due speeding violation and arrest them in order to clear out their wanted list. Don’t allow yourself to be dragged off to hail if you can avoid it. Give us a call today and inquire further about what all can be done to better assist you with your current issue.

Contact An Alba Speeding Ticket Attorney

For more than 25 years, we here at Jack Byno & Associates have taken pride in providing the best legal service possible for each client. We have regularly gained dismissals, as well as allowed many CDL drivers to keep their job. In reducing court fines, we have often allowed many drivers to save hundreds of dollars more than what it cost them to retain our services. For further information about how we might be able to assist you, contact me, the Alba Speeding Ticket Attorney, and let’s review your case today.

Reach out to Jack Byno & Associates by calling our office

About Alba, Texas:

– Alba’s first telegraph was allegedly about the assassination of President Garfield.

– Joseph Simpkins was the first Angle-Saxon settler in the area that would become Alba, TX.

– Alba gained a surge of economic growth when coal mines were discovered in the city during the year 1900.

You can find the official City of Alba website here.