More Than
20 years


Kennedale CDL Defense Lawyer

In Kennedale, Texas, CDL Drivers Challenge Traffic Tickets

Each and every day in Tarrant County, Texas, Class C and commercial motorists alike are subjected to traffic stops by area police. Any driver can expect to be pulled over for violating a traffic law, whether for speeding, violating a weight limit, disregarding a traffic control device, or otherwise at the discretion of law enforcement. Even a CDL holder behind the wheel of a bus, eighteen-wheeler, or other heavy vehicles may be pulled over and written a trucking violation if deemed necessary by officers. In the case that you have been written a CDL or trucking violation by police, let’s say in the Tarrant County City of Kennedale, you are probably more concerned than the average, Class C driver would be about your violation. This is for the fact that you as a professional driver must maintain your clean driving record, as proof to your employer that you are a safe and responsible driver. It may therefore be unwise in your particular situation to plead guilty to your violation as, if you do so, points will be added irreversibly to your driving record. It may instead be wiser to challenge your ticket in a court of law. If you are worried that you would not be able to do so successfully on your own, you may seek professional legal assistance in doing so, such as may be provided to you by Jack Byno & Associates.

We are a traffic ticket law firm reputable among both Class C and CDL drivers in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. From our offices located conveniently in Tarrant County, we (among other services provided) offer to dispute CDL and trucking violations on behalf of commercial motorists looking to protect their livelihoods. We may do so for you by either

  • Seeking you a favorable plea agreement
  • Fighting your charges at trial

Should you choose the latter option, be prepared to appear in court with us as we present your case to the judge and jury. Should you opt for the former, you may not be required to appear in court with us, but we would advise you to remain aware of DOT stops along your route (should you continue to work with your CDL).

Considering Challenging Your Kennedale CDL Violation?

Contact me || Attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912

Click HERE to learn more about Tarrant County CDL violations

When Overdue Kennedale CDL Violations Fall Into Warrant

Drivers written traffic tickets by police in Kennedale and surrounding Tarrant County towns are expected to respond to their violations in due time. If they do not respond to their tickets, but instead allow them to go past due, they may expect to be issued traffic warrants by the courts. Have you been made aware that a traffic warrant has been issued for you by the Kennedale Municipal Court? Be advised that your traffic warrant is a warrant for your arrest, and may lead to your arrest and incarceration unless you act quickly to get it lifted. Jack Byno & Associates may be retained to assist you in lifting your warrant. We offer to lift warrants and post bonds on behalf of our eligible Tarrant County clients and have for over 20 years. You will no longer have to concern yourself with the possibility of arrest if we are able to lift your Kennedale traffic warrant for you, and you may also be represented by us in court later if we also post bond for you.

If Your Kennedale CDL Violation is Now in Warrant Status

Contact me, attorney Jack Byno || 817-685-0912

Related: Warrant Roundup season in North Texas